Thursday, October 14, 2010

Soldiering On

I realise that for some time now, you have all not heard a lot about La Pari-Pari.  Many are wondering if we are still pursuing the project.

The answer is YES!

Since we completed our design work last year, we've been down proverbial back alleys and up winding staircases to nowhere with regards to obtaining approvals for our development from the authorities.  The truth is, in Langkawi at least, most don't bother.  Most, build first, pay fines and legalise later.

We tried doing things the right way, but have found that it doesn't result in any real progress.

So, we've had to re-strategise.  Re-think our options.  The upshot of which is that we are still pursuing our target of opening next year.  But it also involves re-thinking the way we are going to run the business and staff it, finance it and prep it for operations.

With some luck, and some money, we should be able to reach our goal.

It's a big IF, but I remain optimistic.  And part of the reason why is all of you - the silent and not-so-silent supporters who continue to keep one eye out for us and our cause.  The friends and acquaintances who never, never fail to ask me how La Pari-Pari is going whenever you see me.  Even if I don't have much to report on in terms of progress at the moment, your curiosity and interest continue to spur me on.

Sometimes, there are things you embark on in life that just seem right.  Despite the delays, when progress is made, it happens almost serendipitously.  People come in and out of your life and their purposes are all too clear.

There have been too many of such moments in my life since La Pari-Pari was first conceived as an idea. So many that I know I will get there soon.

Earlier this year, I experienced perhaps one of the biggest setbacks one can on a project like this - the loss of a business partner.  While it was regrettable, looking back, I now think it was inevitable.  Since her departure, the spaces she has vacated have been filled ten-thousand fold.

On my last trip to Langkawi, three of the dearest people in my life today accompanied me.  To keep me company.  To help me re-build my memories and associations with the island I so love so that I may once more see its beauty.  Not that I had forgotten, but perhaps due to several incidents, my perspective of the island had changed a little in the last year.

You will be introduced to them over the course of the next couple of weeks.  They are the ones who have helped me create new, happier and more hopeful memories that I can fall back on when the going gets tough.

The one thing I can say with absolute certainty is this - in all my conversations with people close and not-so-close to me, those who have prodded or offered advice out of mere interest in either my well-being or the project's, I have not uncovered any new insights.  Every spanner thrown at me by devil's advocates are those I am already familiar with and have examined in my own time and thoughts.

What it means to me is that I have really thought about this.  And internalised the life changes that this project will require of me.

It won't be easy, I know.  But beyond just repeating that as a mantra, I know it won't be easy down to the minutest detail.  The things I may have to sacrifice or let go, the sweat, frustration and impatience I will have to temper.  And the joy I know I will find in facing these challenges.  Because they will ultimately lead to me leading the life I want to lead, and enable me to make the changes I believe I can make as an individual.

This will be my imprint on the world.  No matter how small it is, it will be there.

Thank you for staying the course with us.

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