Monday, February 14, 2011

In Full Bloom

A missive from our architect Ijam recently reminded me beautifully of how La Pari-Pari, even in it's current state is already a living, breathing entity.

This was the latest photo he sent me of the site in early February.  Then, we both sighed at the carpet of dry leaves that blanketed the ground, realising the work that lies ahead of us in keeping things in check.

But just last week, he went back and lo and behold - the trees were in full bloom!

If anything, the photos he sent me reinforced our resolve not to cut trees down unnecessarily.  And to think, we've owned the land for a couple of years now, yet this is the first time we've noticed this seasonal occurrence.  According to the neighbour, the trees were traditionally used to make hand-hewn wooden perahus (canoes) back in the day.

I can't wait till we can share this with our guests when we are up and running :-)

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